Snowed heavy today on the commute home. I passed alot of cars that were going to be sitting in traffic for a long time. It was supposed to rain after a little snow, but alot fell. I ride a mountain bike to work, knobby tires, and had no problem coming home. Of course, I grew up in Masssachusetts, so know how to drive in the snow. I had several cars spinning the wheels and sliding sideways in front of me. Scary. Was yelled at to stay in the bike lane. Buddy, I was in the bike lane, you couldn't see the lines because they were under the snow. That lady I drove around...She was in the bike lane. Later, in front of the police station! a guy blew a stop sign right in front of me. I rode up to him at the next intersection and told him that I saw him run that stop sign. He just stared through the window at me. My bike seat came apart on me and damn near goosed me, but I made it home safely. Still snowing!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Snow In Portland
Snowed heavy today on the commute home. I passed alot of cars that were going to be sitting in traffic for a long time. It was supposed to rain after a little snow, but alot fell. I ride a mountain bike to work, knobby tires, and had no problem coming home. Of course, I grew up in Masssachusetts, so know how to drive in the snow. I had several cars spinning the wheels and sliding sideways in front of me. Scary. Was yelled at to stay in the bike lane. Buddy, I was in the bike lane, you couldn't see the lines because they were under the snow. That lady I drove around...She was in the bike lane. Later, in front of the police station! a guy blew a stop sign right in front of me. I rode up to him at the next intersection and told him that I saw him run that stop sign. He just stared through the window at me. My bike seat came apart on me and damn near goosed me, but I made it home safely. Still snowing!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My Auntie Nora
Monday, December 21, 2009
Korean Food
Friday, December 11, 2009
Not my Rep. but I like this

Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Human Nature
"Indeed, it is in our biological nature, not our political institutions, that we should put our trust, our empathy is innate and cannot be changed or long suppressed. In fact, I’d argue that biology constitutes our greatest hope. One can only shudder at the thought that the humaneness of our societies would depend on the whims of politics, culture or religion.”
Frans de Waal in another book published in October, “The Age of Empathy.” Dr. de Waal, a primatologist, has long studied the cooperative side of primate behavior and believes that aggression, which he has also studied, is often overrated as a human motivation.
“We’re preprogrammed to reach out,” Dr. de Waal writes. “Empathy is an automated response over which we have limited control.” The only people emotionally immune to another’s situation, he notes, are psychopaths.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Bees
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Chickens
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Puget Sound
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Why I Love Sadly, No
This is the country whose president challenged us to play golf on the goddamn moon. And we did it! Did the Japanese play golf on the moon? Don’t make me fucking laugh. And now snivelling pussies like Sean Hannity are just ready to roll over and concede that those same Japanese have almost FIVE FUCKING YEARS more piss-and-vinegar in them than Americans? Alan Shepard would beat Sean Hannity down with a fucking 7-iron if he were alive today. In a full spacesuit. Audie Murphy would take one look at that quivering little sissy and Hannity would be shitting himself out of Rush Limbaugh’s asshole. Fucking Liberace got more legitimate pussy than Hannity, Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Beck combined.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
More Cabin Work
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thanx Skippy!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Jilin Daxue
Monday, July 27, 2009
Cabin Project

Margo and I went up to the land this weekend to work on our cabin. Very hot in the valley, 100's; yet beautiful at our elevation. Still had to stay in the shade to be comfortable. Very nice as soon as the sun went down, and sleeping under the stars was perfect. Got the floor joists up, next is the deck and rafters.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Oregon Country Fair
Beautiful Fair, until the rains came. Then it was Mud City. Could not drive my truck and trailer into the Eight, so will have to go down again to pick up our camp kitchen.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Good News...Bad News
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Zhong Guo

Have heard from the Confucius Institute that my scholarship was approved and my materials forwarded to Jilin Daxue, which was my first choice. Jilin Province is directly across the Pacific from Oregon. Geopolitically important crossroads of Far East Russia, China, Korea. The grant will pay for a month study of language and culture. I am so excited, fulfills a life long goal. While there I will certainly look for work.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Margo's Croning
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lamb Roast
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Zoo Concert
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Publinks Scorecard
Monday, June 8, 2009
Public Links State Championship
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Jackie Burke

“Anything that will make your mind think about a roll, not a hit. You can’t time a hit, but you can time rolling a ball. You’ll not rush it. You putt the break line, never a cup. Try to get the ball on the line.”
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Golf with Brian Q

Thursday, May 28, 2009

- Roman Catholic (23.9%)
- no religion (16.1%)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Death with Dignity
Linda Fleming, 66, of Sequim, Wash., died Thursday evening after taking lethal medication prescribed by a doctor under the law, according to a news release by the group, Compassion and Choices of Washington. The release said Ms. Fleming received a diagnosis of Stage 4 pancreatic cancer a month ago, and “she was told she was actively dying.”
Ms. Fleming was quoted in the release as saying: “I am a very spiritual person, and it was very important to me to be conscious, clear-minded and alert at the time of my death. The powerful pain medications were making it difficult to maintain the state of mind I wanted to have at my death.”
Thanks Linda, and If you have one Godspeed. We have many freinds and reletives in Sequim, a very progressive corner of Washington. Peace & Love.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Today's Mood: In Love
Ellsbury Again
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Mighty Bosox

The game's first ball put in play sent Ellsbury drifting back, and he snagged it. The second ball put in play forced Ellsbury to turn, sprint, and snare the ball just before running into the wall. The start was fitting. Ellsbury recorded nine of Penny's first 13 outs, and 10 of 17 overall. By the end of the game - which Ellsbury finished with a catch - he had 12 putouts, tying a major league record. Also D. Ortiz homers, fans go crazy.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Dead

Drove up the Gorge to the concert in George, Washington. Beautiful, sunny weather the whole way, drove right to the campground. Parked the truck and walked around to look for Amy and Brian Q. Found them! And someone had moved and there was a spot open right next to them! Drove the truck around, set up camp, and was happy. Saw Dan and Michelle on the way in, but they had to return to their car, and we looked but did not connect inside. Hot, Hot, Hot, for the Doobies and the Allmans, starting to cool down in the evening when the Dead came out. They played several songs I had never heard before live. Days Between I don't think I had ever heard before on tape, by anyone. Brian Q. also did not know this song, our neighbors said Van Morrison, I need to look it up. Phil was awesome on Tom Thumbs Blues! They played Women Are Smarter! I have only heard this once before, on Margo and Brian O'C's first date. I've been waiting twenty years to hear them play this song again. Hell In A Bucket cooked. Althea was great, another song I haven't heard for fifteen years. The drum solo>space was the best I have heard in years. Closed the show with Box Of Rain, one of my favorites.
(Set 1) The Music Never Stopped Loose Lucy Crazy Fingers Dark Star Dire Wolf Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues Into The Mystic Man Smart (Woman Smarter)
(Set 2) Passenger Hell in a Bucket Althea Eyes Of The World Drums Space Days Between Dark Star One More Saturday Night
(Encore) Box Of Rain
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Pluto will always be a planet!

Obit on the little girl who named the planet Pluto in 1930, Venetia Phair. "In the year 4,000 A.D., when Pluto is hollowed out and millions of people are living inside,” he said, “the name of Venetia Burney may be the only thing that Great Britain is remembered for".
Monday, May 4, 2009
Old & New Portland

Atrios had a map of the old streetcar system in Portland. The next link to be (re-)built is from Union Station to Portland State. We live off that L-shape spur in NE PDX. In 1912 I could have walked a block in either direction to catch a streetcar to downtown. 40 minutes on my bike ride to Portland State. Here is the current map of lightrail, commuter train, trolley, and bus. Bicycling is part of the solution.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Red Tail Hawks

Portland has a family of Red tail Hawks nesting on the Wells Fargo bank Building downtown. Here is a link to the KGW-8 webcam.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Portland Convention Center Hotel

Letter to the editor from PSU Architecture Professor Jeff Schnabel.
If we can justify promoting Portland as a convention destination, at least let's capitalize on our values and existing assets. Instead of putting incredible natural and financial resources into a new hotel, let's network all the existing hotels in the city to work together to accommodate large groups. In addition to increasing the occupancy of established businesses, visitors get to choose from a range of Portland experiences. They can reside at the stately Heathman, the eclectic Ace or the sleek Modera.There is nothing sustainable about a convention with thousands of individuals flying on airplanes from distant points to a monstrous new building that remains heated and cooled, even when the throngs of conventioneers are absent. Is this really a form of economic development consistent with the goals and identity of Portland?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Here is one I missed
Monday, April 20, 2009
Today's Bike Ride

Today was one of those days that makes up for about ten rainy windy ones. Absolutely beautiful views of the mountains on my way to school. And when I crazy cristians in the Park Blocks. Nice. They usually show on hot sunny days so as to ogle the students while riling them up. More later. I just really wanted to move that teabagger off the top of my column. Here is a picture of the Land.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Oregon Tea Bag Party

There were two protests in my area. The one in Portland was at Red Square. The one in Salem was at the state capitol building, attended by the gentleman at left. I was unable to attend either one, but spoke to one of my students who went to the Portland show. He said is was no fun to even punk these people as they were too serious, and too ignorant. Other photos show these people are not even affected by the taxes they are protesting! They're pissed because the Oregon Legislature raised beer and cigarette taxes. Photo by Doug Beghtel/ The Oregonian Other photos here.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sandpines Golf Links
Saturday 04/11 Sandpines Par 72 Blue Tees
Par 4-4-5-4-3-4-5-3-4 36 4-3-5-4-4-4-4-3-5 36 72
Brian 4-3-5-5-4-5-6-4-5 41 5-6-5-5-5-5-5-3-5 44 85
Grateful Dead
Brian & Margo in the New York Times. Picture taken at George, Washington. We will go and see the Dead again this May. All day event with Allman Bros. and Doobie Bros. I have never seen the Doobie Bros, but have seen the Almanns many times, and once with Dead in Springfield Mass Civic Center. That concert was in the $7.50 ticket days. The Doobies were allways a little pop for me but I've seen some great openers through the years: Warren Zevon in Boulder comes to mind, and Chuck Berry at Portland Meadows, Jimmy Cliff at Autzen, et cetera. At the concert left, The Dead played two four hour sets and two encores (a good thing to catch the last show of a tour). As the sun was going down I realized that this was my first outdoor at night Dead show-amazing!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
What I'm Reading
McCormick, J. (2008). Understanding the European Union. United
Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
I really enjoyed the book by McCormick, which was a very thorough and
up to date explanation of the origins and history of the European
Union. The book starts with a general description of international
organizations of various kinds, and defines the terms used in the
discussion: states, nations, confederations, et cetera.
The subject of integration is raised and functionalism discussed.
Cooperation leads to becoming so integrated that small changes will
begin to occur on larger issues.
Regional integration is a fact around the world. Some regions are
better integrated, and some regions have institutional problems that
prevent better integration.
The author gives an historical analysis of the evolution of the
European Union and steps toward integration. The problems encountered
and the solutions proposed were over come through continued
negotiations, trying different solutions until policy consensus is
reached. There is still work to be done on a constitution, and a
common foreign policy.
McCormick filled a large gap in my knowledge of European Union
internal politics and decision making. The European Commission, the
Council of Ministers, and the Parliament all have a part in the
decision making process. The roles of the Court of Justice, and the
European Council are described.
The European role in the global economy is examined, along with
development aid for former colonies.
The book is up dated to 2008, with most recent accessions to the EU
included. The book?s argument that the rise of the European Union is
one of the most important developments in global politics is valid,
and I agree with it. I think the peaceful growth of the EU is why the
subject has been devalued in United States media and culture. Violent
change always attracts attention. The EU, by virtue of its quiet
change, does not attract the short attention span of United States media.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The EU NATO and Collective Security
A casual United States observer would think that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance appears to function as the Defense department for the European Union (EU), however the NATO alliance actually predates the EU. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C. by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, The United Kingdom, and the United States in April 1949(Sandler & Hartley, p55). The Treaty of Paris which created the European Coal and Steel Community was signed by France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg was signed in April 1951 (McCormick, p216).
The first expansion of the NATO alliance occurred in February 1952 when Greece and Turkey joined the alliance. Article 10 of the NATO treaty states: By unanamous consent, any other European state can join NATO (Sandler & Hartley, p26). Thus NATO had its first expansion before the West German state was able to join the Western European Union (WEU), with Italy, in 1954. The running joke at the time was NATO was formed to keep the United States in Europe, the Soviets out of Europe and the Germans under control. In 1955 West Germany joined NATO. The respose from the polarized east was to form the Warsaw Pact of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.
The treaty of Rome was signed in March 1957 creating the European Economic Community (EEC). The first expansion for the EU occurred when Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom joined the EEC in January 1973. The second EU expansion was for Greece in 1981. In 1982, Spain joins NATO; in 1986 Spain and Portugal become members of the EEC.
After the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, a unified Germany became a member of NATO. By 1991 the Warsaw Pact has disbanded, and the foreign ministers of Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia express the wish to join NATO. In Brussels, the first meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) is held with foreign ministers attending from the NATO Countries and nine Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries (Sandler & Hartley, p54).
Austria applies for EEC membership in 1989; Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark apply to join the EEC in 1992. Switzerland also applies in 1992. In 1995 Sweden, Finland, and Austria join the European Union, and Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania apply for accession. In 1996, the Czech Republic and Slovenia apply for EU membership. These two states are the first members to apply from nation states that desintigrated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. In 1999, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary joined the NATO alliance.
In 2004, the EU expanded to 25 members with the addition of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia.
Currently there are 27 EU member states and 26 NATO member states.
Canada - not eu
Czech Republic
Iceland - not eu
Norway - not eu
Turkey - not eu
United Kingdom
United States - not eu
Austria - not nato
Cyprus - not nato
Czech Republic
Finland - not nato
Ireland - not nato
Malta - not nato
Sweden - not nato
United Kingdom
It is shown that there is not perfect symetry between NATO and the EU. There are costs and benefits that come with expansion. For NATO member states, potential benefits include:
collective defense
encourage political reforms and stability in entrants
support for economic and political integration
improved relations among neighbor states
further adaptation of NATO to the post cold war environment
potential expansion costs:
enlargement costs of infrastructure, logistics, and interoperability of forces
risk from entrants ethnic and territorial disputes
joint exercises
larger concensus
entrants force modernization
(Sandler & Hartley, p71)
For EU entrants, cost include:
Loss of sovreignty and national independence
Reduced power of national government
Little public input on integration issues
Increased competition and job loss after removal of market protections
Progressive state norms may be reduced to help integrate states with lower standards
Cross border criminal activity may increase with lessening of border controls
Benefits to EU membership:
Cooperation makes war and conflict less likely
The single market is a larger pool of customers for European businesses
Freedom of cross border movement
Pooling of economic and social resources
Member states enjoy increased global power and influence
Less advanced states rise to the standards maintained by progressive states
Investment creates new opportunities in the poorer regions of the EU
Democracy is promoted in member states
(McCormick, p7).
NATO was formed post WWII as a defense pact, with the presumption that the attack would come from the Soviet Union. Thw c ollapse of the Soviet gave an opportunity to redraw or create something new in place of the NATO alliance. Yet instead we saw a expansion of NATO. The first time NATO forces were dispatched to fight was in the former Yugoslavia. Not used in defense but used as humanitarian intervention. NATO air strikes forced a cease fire in Bosnia, with NATO groundtroops replaceing United Nations (UN) forces in 1995. There was no hesitation when the need for intervention appeared in Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia, but the intervention also consisted of diplomatic support, direct aid, and sanctions. This speaks to the issue of collective security as different from ‘defense’. NATO was formed as a defensive alliance. The Alliance and its collective nation states were not directly threatened by the ethnic militias and autocratic demogogues in the former Yugoslavia. However the EU’s collective security was certainly threatened by the prospects of failed states and genecidal refugees. These are the breeding grounds for terrorism and dictatorship. Leonard (2005) has European strategic doctrine very different from America’s. Force may be necessary to defend Europe’s values, but will never be a part of European foreign policy. Contrast this with the United States use of military force as a cornerstone of US foreign policy.
Some of the newer members of NATO had devalued their military, and had no desire to rebuild. To integrate these nations into the NATO operations system they were allowed to develope boutique forces, for example Romania’s Moountain Division, or Norway’s Rapid Reponse Force. This is the true strength of the European model, the slow but steady evolutionary growth, involving member states with real responsibility. NATO has used this incremental to good effect. The NAC pledged resources to the UN, Organization for Security and Cooperation Europe (OSCE), and the EU to bring peace to the Balkans. At a NATO Defence Planning Committee in 1992, NATO defense ministers supported including UN and OSCE peacekeeping among NATO missions. By 1993, NATO defense ministers were supporting Combined Joint Task Forces (CJTF) and designing the Partnership for Peace (PFP) program.
In 1994, German constitutional restrictions on the use of German forces in peacekeeping missions abroad were removed by German courts. This same year, in Poland, the first PFP exercises were held (Sandler and Hartley, p55). By 1997, NATO led forces replaced the UN forces in Bosnia.
This European style incrementalism has been used with NATO - Russian Federation relations. The Founding Act on Mutual Relations Cooperation and Security is signed in 1997 between the Russian Federation and NATO. NATO and 26 partner nationsconvene the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) as a sucessor to the PFP and the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC).
The question for the future will be further expansion of the EU, and further expansion of the EU model. A common labor market between the United States and Mexico would do much to allieviate the illegal immigration problem in the United States, but Mexico would have great problems bringing its economy in line to support its own labor market.
The Russian Federation could request acession to the EU, without NATO involvement, yet like the United States have issues with sovreinty. The EU members delegate some of their decision making power to shared institutions they have created, so that decisions on specific matters of joint interest can be made democratically (
It is probable that the United States and Russian Federation are not yet ready to provide defense using collective security and shared sovreinty. Other nations are starting down this road however. The leaders of ten Southeast Asian countries have signed a declaration to integrate their economies and construct a political union modelled on that of the European Union (Phillips). Just like the EU there will be taboo subjects, such as varying norms on civil and human rights, and the disparities between the economies will make it difficult to reach common standards. The Association of Southeast Asain Nations (ASEAN) plan looks to build a common market, without a common currency, in six years. The six countries that founded the European Coal and Steel Community took fifty years of incremental institutional engagement to become the twenty-seven member European Union. The twelve countries that signed the North Atlantic Treaty also grew to twenty-six member states over fifty years of incremental engagement. The NATO defense forces have never been used for defense. They took the offensive against humanitarian abuses in the Balkans, which were a security threat to the stability of Europe. In fifty years we should hope to see the same type of positive growth from the ASEAN countries, and possibly other continent based models.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Article Review
Conforming to Europe:
the domestic impact of EU foreign policy.
Journal of European Public Policy 7:4 October 2000
The author’s purpose is to offer a conceptual framework to organize information exploring the general relationship between EU member state domestic politics and EU foreign policy (614). The author examines the way EU membership ‘Europeanizes’ member states.
CFSP issues condition EU member states to orient foreign policy making, even though foreign policy has always been reserved as a special domain of national governments. Also, EU membership is based on economics, and political cooperation is not required of EU states.
Political cooperation developed in parallel with economic cooperation. But political cooperation was restrained by EU member state reluctance, thus developed its own institutional growth based on
intergovernment bargaining over the issue of political cooperation itself. The growth entailed: creation of a communication network among foreign ministers, political agents and foreign policy specialists; codifying norms; increased involvement of EC actors; and the establishment of policy processes (615).
This development, Smith argues, has gradually worked its way into the domestic politics of EU member states. The norms established reorient states to ‘problem solving’ as opposed to ‘bargaining’ as a style of decision making (615).
Bargaining the author defines as satisfaction of self interests through trade offs. Problem solving involves appeal to common interests. The norms established provided the environment for cooperation.
States engaged in regular communication and consultation before adopting a final position so as not to catch partners by surprise. Establishing this norm lead to an increase in telecomm traffic and real sharing of sensitive information. This fosters a community view on ‘European issues’.
Confidentiality is the second norm guiding CFSP. Third is using consensus to make decisions. This strengthens the smaller states. QMV is an option, but knowing that a state can block a policy, makes discussions less threatening.
The fourth norm is a realization that there are issues considered off limits. Usually, involving unilateral problems (616). This norm prevented discussions of many issues, however, as CFSP developed, this norm has evolved. The gradual expansion of political cooperation now includes previously taboo subjects (617).
EU member state domestic politics have adapted to the CFSP with elite socialization, bureaucratic reorganization, and constitutional change. There has also been an increase in public support for political cooperation.
Elite socialization takes place in a transgovernmental communication network: the COREU telex network, EPC working groups, joint declarations, joint reporting, staff exchanges among foreign ministries and shared embassies. All these have moved the conduct of national foreign policy away from the old nation state model toward amore collective endeavor, a form of high level networking with tranformationalist effects and even more potential (Hill and Wallace 1996).
Visible bureaucratic adaptation to political cooperation appears in the national foreign policy ministries. Political cooperation becomes a national priority. Member states are responsible for common positions, and act to the benefit of the EU. New national officials are approved, expansion of diplomatic corps occurs, along with administrative reorganization and expansion of foreign ministries (620).
A main point of the article is the responsibility that comes with membership. The EU Presidency of Spain in 1989 was the biggest task ever undertaken by the government and Spanish administration (Barbe, 1996). EU member state foreign ministries have been able to assert political control over external relations due to the need to coordinate foreign policies between The EC and the EPC. Small states also benefit from large state presence outside Europe.
The EU also has been prepared to aid in nation building. When Greece held the Presidency in 1983, its civil service, state bureaucracy, and domestic legal system were underdeveloped. Spain created a General Secretary for Foreign Policy to make its Foreign Ministry compatible with EPC (Barbe).
EU states have been willing to reorient national legal structures to the demands of European integration (624). States have engaged in constitutional debates, and neutral states have had to consider positions on security and defense issues to justify accession and pacify electorates.
Public support for political cooperation is an area of interest for European citizens. The author notes that much of the growth of support is owing to the issue appearing on a national agenda, citizens going from unconcerned opinions to pro-European opinions.
The constant process of institution building at the EU level has resonated back to the foreign policy culture of the EU states (628). The obligations become part of the foreign policy processes of the states.
The article was written before the historic expansion of the EU in 2004. The norms established and described in the article have proven capable of providing for the problem free accession of the ten new members in 2004, and Bulgaria and Romania in 2007.
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Match-West Coast Tour
Par 4-4-5-4-3-4-4-3-4 35 5-5-3-4-4-3-5-4-4 37 72
Brian 6-5-6-4-3-5-5-5-5 44 6-6-4-5-5-3-6-6-6 47 91
Tim 6-4-6-6-4-5-5-3-6 45 5-5-5-5-5-3-7-5-5 45 90
Tim wins match 2 up
Best 6-4-6-4-3-5-5-3-5 41 5-5-4-5-5-3-6-5-5 43 84
Friday 2/20 Eastmoreland Par 72 6529 Yards Blue Tees
Par 4-4-4-4-3-5-4-3-5 36 4-5-3-5-4-4-4-3-4 36 72
Brian 5-6-5-6-4-5-6-4-5 46 4-7-3-7-5-6-5-4-5 46 92
Tim 5-6-5-5-4-5-4-4-5 43 5-5-4-5-4-4-7-4-6 46 89
Tim wins match 4 & 3
Best 5-6-5-5-4-5-4-4-5 43 4-5-3-5-4-4-5-4-5 39 82
Thursday 2/26 Rose City Par 72 6552 Yards Blue Tees
Par 4-4-5-4-3-4-4-3-4 35 5-5-3-4-4-3-5-4-4 37 72
Brian 5-5-6-3-3-5-4-4-4 39 4-5-3-5-5-3-6-6-5 42 81
Tim 6-6-5-5-5-4-5-3-4 43 5-5-5-5-6-4-5-4-5 44 87
Brian wins match 5 &4
Best 5-5-5-3-3-4-4-3-4 36 4-5-3-5-5-3-5-4-5 39 75
54 Hole Totals
Brian 91-92-81 = 264
Tim 90-89-87 = 266
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tim in Portland
Went out to dinner with the family, Hawthorne District for Fish, then coming home we drove up on I-5 to see the lights of downtown Portland. Tomorrow we are going to play Eastmoreland.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Lost Weekend
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Today's Bike Ride
Class was cancelled, which was good as I used the time to go to the Library and spend a good three hours reading. I have felt out of sorts witht he readings this term. Each book has been a struggle to maintain focus and steady progress. Today I feel caught up on the reading, but with papers to work in over the weekend. And grants, financial aid, for Conor & myself.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Three Good Omens
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Grad School
Historical Context of WWII My Notes for Class on the reading packet:
Agression in the 1930s
Japanese Agression and Chinese Response
Japan Siezes Manchuria (p240)
Japan Attacks China (p241)
United Front (p242)
China during the War (p243)
U.S. Moves toward Confronting Japan (p244)
NAZI Threat to Peace & Allied Response
German Remilitarization of the Rhineland
“If the French had then marched into the Rhineland, we would have had to withdraw” (p245)
Soviet Response to Japanese & German Agression
Franco triumphs in Spain
Leftist support to the Spanish Government not as effective as that given by Italy and Germany to Franco (p247)
German Agression: March 1938 to March 1939
Anschluss should be a German goal (p247)
Poland & Hungary sieze parts of Czechoslovakia (p249)
March 1939 Hitler takes the rest of Czecho, moves on Lithuania, Poland (p249)
The U.S. Remains Neutral
Congress forbids U.S. vessels from transporting war material to belligerents, prohibited loans to belligerents, declared U.S. neutral in Spanish civil war, & forbade U.S. citizens to travel on belligerent ships. Effect of the Neutrality Acts was to strengthen Hitler, Mussolini and Franco, Togo. (p250)
Europe on the Eve of War
Stalin deals with Hitler
World War II
Hitler’s conquests in Europe
Poland again disappears from Europe (p254)
Hitler chooses same spot & railcar where Armistice signed in 1918 (p256)
Soviet Union consolidates in Eastern Europe (p256)
Great Britain stays in the War (p257)
Hitler’s ‘New Order’ & the Holocaust
Autumn 1941 - Greater German Nation
The Final Solution, genocide: a systematic process to destroy a particular national, ethnic, or racial group (p258)
Jews sent to special extermination camps (p258)
Anne Frank “courage and cheerfulness” (p260)
6M Jews, 75% Europe’s Jewish population (p261)
Jews nationalists support independant Jewish state in Palestine. Jew would control the government, rather than a minority group (p261)
The U.S. and European Affairs
U.S. Neutrality Legislation aid to G.B. buy and import U.S. goods & G.B. blockade Germany (p261)
U.S. public hope for peace, U.S. leaders prepare for war (p261)
Confrontation Between U.S. & Japan
Embargo on aviation fuel & scrap metal, general trade continues (p262)
Summer 1941 U.S. freeze Japanese assets, Dutch, British, mutual defense
December 1941 Japan attacks Dutch, British in Asia, U.S. at Hawaii (p262)
Japan Conquests in Asia-Pacific
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, alienated local peoples
‘Grand Alliance’ Against the ‘Axis’
halt agression, not to gain foreign teritory. 1942-1945 Churchill, Stalin Roosevelt (p264)
2nd Front, post-war Europe, soft underbelly
Industrial Mobilization For Total War
Industrial and agricultural output of the U.S. equipped 12 million troops, plus G.B., S.U., other allies; 300,000 airplanes, 88,000 tanks, 2.5M trucks, 20M rifles, 315,000 artillary, 3000 ships, farmers increased production by 1/3, double the combined output of the Axis (p266)
Government, Industry, Military Alliance of Total War (p266)
When WWII ended the citizens of the Western democracies had become conditioned to function in a national environment in which the government was thoughoughly integrated into economic and social life (p266)
Women in the workforce (p266)
The Sea War
German U-boats, British Blockade, U.S. code breakers, Japanese shipping (p267)
The Air War
Strategic bombardment of the enemy’s economic and military installations, terror bombing, shoot down German planes faster than they could be replaced (p268)
New Technologies - Jet Plane & Guided Missle
Pacific War U.S. positining to bomb Japan
Allies Defeat the Axis
Soviet Victories and Nazi Defeat
Nazi atrocities united ethnic groups (p269)
Summer 1943 Soviet armaments, 6M troops, double the German Army, 3:1 in planes, tanks, artillary (p270)
D-Day and Final Phases
Summer 1944 Normandy Beachhead
Autumn 1944 Germany Borders
Spring 1945 Cross Rhine, Vistula
May 1945 Surround Berlin (p270)
Campaign against Japan 1942-1945
Summer 1944 Regular Bombardment of Japanese cities, Phillipines reconquered (p271)
The Atomic Bomb: Climax of Total War
200,000 deaths & radiation long after explosions (p271)
shaping of post war era, quick end, surrender August 1945 (p272)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
News Hour
Jim Lehrer: Most powerful Vice President in the most failed Presidency?
Dick Cheney: Dead wrong. [follows with long list of 'successes']
JL: Domestic?
DC: Tax Cuts! Sad. '08 problems, but not just U.S. problem, worldwide. TARP!
JL: Success??
DC: Don't blame GWB!!
JL: No prevention or forwarning?
DC: Sad. No foresight.
JL: Poor rating, bad as Quayle.
DC: Polls?? Hah! Some questioned the legitimacy of our Administration, et cetera. [Ugh] Ford looked great for pardon 30 years later.
JL: Govern for the present?
DC: That's what elections are for. Tough, Jim. [Tough three times] better than loved? Who cares about polls?
JL: Leaving with disapproval?
DC: When I get out people love me.
JL: Dick Cheney. Changed?
DC: No, no, no. 9/11 changed. Protect the Homeland! Now Urban Nuke Threat!! [the threat was less before your reign] I read the Intell reports.
JL: Lessse?
DC: Joe Liberman my kind of Democrat agrees with me.
JL: Sue Crawford says mistakes were made.
DC: These techniques were fully authorized by the Justice Department. Probably a misunderstanding over Degee of Difficulty, not Form.. I still give the traetment a 10. Justice Department Approved!!
JL: Not a mistake?
DC: Like Abe Graib, bad apples, bad treatment. Policy, Legal Department O-kay, Results [wha...tell me more].
JL: Policy?
DC: Ab-So-Lute-Ly.
JL: Health?
DC: Heart Attack? Phush! I'm 68! Stressed! It's cool. My Health Care is great. [Phush!]
JL: President Cheney?
DC: No way! No regrets.
Hard to even comment, so I won't. Good Riddence.
Barrack O's appointee Tim G tax and Housekeeper issue.
Paul S asks about 2009. Hamster Wheel.
Monday, January 12, 2009
News Hour
Bush's Last Presser: Manic Depression! Bi Polar!! Angry Bush, Funny Bush.
Talking Heads hosted by Judy W.
Trudy Rubin - Philly Inq. Surge? Rummy? Going well?!!? The whole region has suffered from Bush's attack on Iraq, which sqandered the good will earned in Afganistan. Harsh. Ouch!! Keep Punching!!! Gee Trudy, now I can see why you didn't last long at the Oregonian.
Byron York - National Review. No Mistake in Iraq!!11!!!1
Ruy Texiera - Century Foundation. Wrecked the country, did nothing domestic, no reform Health Care, Education, Worse in every area.
Michael Gerson - Wash Post. Surge Success!!11!! Babbleling!!11!! Iraq a Giant Eclipse on Mr Sun, Sun, Mr Golden Sun, Bush Shinola on me!!!11!
Lebanon looks at Gaza. Jeffery B in Beirut. Rami Khouri characterizes Hamas Sunni - Hezb'allah Shia. Fighting the Opressor always looks good, even if the goals of the group fighting the oppressor are repugnent. Whaleed Jamblatt's family tradition is to be assasinated, him not yet. The violence in Gaza will "wash away the Moderates" in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon. Nasrallah denounces the violence, but does not open a Nortern Front against Isreal. Comments on how this may show weakness. All other political parties in Lebanon now respect Hezb'allah only for thier violence.
Obama meets with Calderon. Drugs go North, Guns go South.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Steelers also played better than the Chargers and deserve to host the Ravens, who took the game away from Tennesee. I think Steelers are going to the Super bowl.
Foriegn Exchange
Independent Diplomat - Will coach groups lacking diplomatic corps -groups must commit to Diplomacy, Dialogue, Civil Rights, Rule of Law.
Women's Work - Men depopulated after massacres forced women to take control of family coffee farms. Discover they are better farmers than thier husbands and fathers and grandfathers. Women make up 1/2 the Parlement. There is yearly Reconciliation remembreence ceremonies.
Global Super Class - Author David Rothkopf. 2% [people] controls 50% [property, wealth]; 50% [people] control 1% [property, wealth]. 6% of the Power Elite are Women, worldwide Women in Government is 17%. C.E.Os after WWII made 30X the base worker's pay, now the rate is 350X the base worker's pay.
Comments on the Amazon Rain Forest, who owns it? Brazil concerned about interference.